Root Chakra (Sahasrār-chakra) | *Survival, vitality, stability, security*
Located:- Base of the spine, in the tailbone area
Balanced: Security, humility, grounded, stable, energetic, optimal weight, healthy eating & proper elimination
Unbalanced: Insecure, fear, anxiety, unstable, low self-esteem, anemia, over/underweight, constipation
Sacral Chakra (Ādnyā-chakra) | *Creativity, sexuality, reproduction, pleasure*
Located:- 3 fingers bellow bellybutton, just above the pubic bone
Balanced: Creativity, joy, sexuality, healthy sex life, prosperity, patience, fertility, pleasure
Unbalanced: Guilty, shy, irresponsible, infertility, sexual issues, allergy, eating disorder
Solar Plexus Chakra (Vishuddha-chakra) | *Power, self-esteem, strength*
Located:- 3 fingers above Navel, The upper abdomen, in the stomach area
Balanced: Energy, strength, confidence, strong will, mental balance, health, confidence, active
Unbalanced: Guilty, lack of energy, weakness, allergy, fatigue, low self-esteem, worthlessness, digestion, liver problem
Heart Chakra (Anāhat-chakra) | *Love, acceptance, compassion*
Located:- The center of the chest
Balanced: Loving, empathetic, open-hearted, serenity, emotionally balanced, trustfulness & tolerance
Unbalanced: loneliness, demanding, critical, jealous, cold-hearted, narcissistic, heart & lung problems, asthma, allergies