What are the 7 Chakras and How we can use Crystals to Unblock them?

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs.

To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head.

The chakras most often referred to are the seven main ones that we’ll explore in more detail below.

Root Chakra (Sahasrār-chakra) | *Survival, vitality, stability, security*
Located:- Base of the spine, in the tailbone area
Balanced: Security, humility, grounded, stable, energetic, optimal weight, healthy eating & proper elimination
Unbalanced: Insecure, fear, anxiety, unstable, low self-esteem, anemia, over/underweight, constipation

Sacral Chakra (Ādnyā-chakra)  | *Creativity, sexuality, reproduction, pleasure*
Located:- 3 fingers bellow bellybutton, just above the pubic bone
Balanced: Creativity, joy, sexuality, healthy sex life, prosperity, patience, fertility, pleasure
Unbalanced: Guilty, shy, irresponsible, infertility, sexual issues, allergy, eating disorder

Solar Plexus Chakra (Vishuddha-chakra) | *Power, self-esteem, strength*
Located:- 3 fingers above Navel, The upper abdomen, in the stomach area
Balanced: Energy, strength, confidence, strong will, mental balance, health, confidence, active
Unbalanced: Guilty, lack of energy, weakness, allergy, fatigue, low self-esteem, worthlessness, digestion, liver problem

Heart Chakra (Anāhat-chakra) | *Love, acceptance, compassion*
Located:- The center of the chest
Balanced: Loving, empathetic, open-hearted, serenity, emotionally balanced, trustfulness & tolerance
Unbalanced: loneliness, demanding, critical, jealous, cold-hearted, narcissistic, heart & lung problems, asthma, allergies

Throat Chakra (Maṇipur-chakra) | *Communication, self-expression*
Located:- Throat
Balanced: Peaceful, truthful, listening, good communication, strong self-expression
Unbalanced: Shy, weak voice, fear of speaking, unable to listen, lying, arrogance, thyroid, hearing, throat problems

Third Eye Chakra (Swādhishṭhān-chakra) | *Intuition, vision, perception*
Located:- Between Brows
Balanced: Intuitive, guided, perceptive, clairvoyance, bright dreams, spiritual, mental strength, good vision.
Unbalanced: Lack of intuition and imagination, manipulation, panic fear, nightmares, vision & eyes problems, migraine

Crown Chakra (Mūlādhār-chakra) | *Knowing, connection to spirit and universe*
Located:- Top of the head.
Balanced: Spiritual, blessed, unity, wisdom, open-minded, peaceful, and connected to universe, strong nervous system.
Unbalanced: Mental disorders, fear, materialism, memory & learning problems, apathy, broken, spiritual crises.

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