🌈7 chakra Tumble set for beginners with Potli 💰
7 Chakra Stone Of The – Chakra Cleanser – Self Confidence – Communication – Cleanser– Emotional Balance – Strength – Vitality / Passion – Abundance – Immune System – Meditation – All Chakra Stone
⚪️Clear Quartz: Crown Chakra – Balances and unlocks all of the chakras, enhances your focus and energies, and helps to achieve spiritual and mental clarity.
🟣Amethyst: Third Eye Chakra – It is a stone of spirituality that allows the energy of the Universe to flow through the chakras. It aids with self-reflection, emotional and spiritual balance.
🔵Lapis Lazuli: Throat Chakra – Helps to find your inner truth and release repressed emotions. It encourages self-awareness and helps to express your feelings.
🟢Green Aventurine: Heart Chakra – Effective in heart healing, green aventurine helps to clear the blockages, and encourages compassion and empathy.
🔴Rose quartz: Heart Chakra – Unconditional Love, Caring, Friendship, Calmness, Harmony in Relationship, Self-Love, Heartbreaks, Positivity, Peace, Mental Stability, Soul Mate, Emotional Blockage, Increases self-worth
🟡Citrine: Solar Plexus – Renewal or rebirth; optimism; warmth; joy; friendship; heightened energy levels; enthusiasm for life; increased concentration, focus & motivation; creativity & imagination; abundance & prosperity; purification of one’s thoughts/emotions/mood (cannot bring negative things into your life); releasing anger, guilt or resentments (turns these into positive energy); regeneration.
🟠Tiger Eye: Sacral Chakra – Protection, Clear thinking, Personal Empowerment, Integrity, Willpower, Practicality, Grounding, Power, Courage, Gra
🔴Red Jasper: Root Chakra – Being an excellent grounding stone, red jasper brings a sense of calm, it helps to overcome challenges and make peace with the past.
Natural stones, please allow slight differences in size, shape, and color. As the raw stones were mined in the rough so it is possible that some pieces are going to have a thin layer of dust on them before shipping we clean and send but we recommend rinsing off the stones once they are received.